Blog Page eighteen

A few of these hacks that we’re going to dive into today aren’t simply for improving your credit score, but every aspect of your financial life. If you’ve been struggling to get the financing you need to purchase expensive items, such as a car or a home, all because your credit score is low, then we might be able to help! Here at Boost Credit 101, we have all of the information that you need to potentially boost your credit score quickly! Here are the top three ways that you can kick start your positive credit journey today!   Get…

When you’re working to build your credit, learning new terms might be of interest to you. One question we get asked a lot here at Boost Credit 101 is, What are updated tradelines? Before we dive in and explore the term, let’s make sure you understand what a tradeline is. A tradeline is simply a credit account that is in your name or an account that you are an authorized user on. [caption id="attachment_2653" align="alignnone" width="413"] The major components of a credit history that affect your credit score the most[/caption] Updated Tradelines Whenever there is a change in a credit…