While many people think that the due date is the only time they can pay off their credit cards, this is actually a mistake. You can choose to pay your bill off early in the month or make multiple payments throughout the month. At the very least, it’s important to pay your credit card minimum by the due date each month, and ideally best to pay the statement balance to avoid interest fees. However, there are many cases where you can do it yourself if you want to pay it off earlier and get it over with. Why Paying…
Your credit score can decline if you have erroneous information on your credit report, including wrongful collection accounts or unauthorized credit inquiries. You can get a free copy of your credit report once each year from any of the three major credit bureaus. You can then use this copy to check and see if there are any errors. If you end up finding incorrect information, you can dispute it with the credit bureaus. Come dive in as we explore how to dispute errors on your credit report. Send A Letter to the Credit Bureau Start by sending a letter…
Obtaining a good credit score comes with tons of benefits. You’ll be able to find more competitive interest rates on loans, credit cards, and mortgages. If you’ve been searching for ways to improve your credit score, then you’ve come to the right place. Come dive in as we explore four unique ways to earn a good credit score! Delete Credit Report Collections If you have a missed payment on your account, it will show up as a negative mark to the credit bureaus. A collection on your credit report can put a dent in your score. You may be…
One of the quickest and easiest ways to boost your credit score is by increasing your credit limit. Of course, before you request a credit limit increase from your lenders, you’ll want to have a strategy in place. Come dive in with us as we give you a quick rundown on how you can increase your credit limit. Increasing Your Credit Limit If you’re in a place where your overall financial situation has improved since you began using credit cards, it could be a good time to speak with your lender about increasing your credit limit. Let’s say that…
With a joint credit card account, you can share a line of credit, as well as debt repayment responsibility, with another person. Of course, as with anything in life, joint credit card accounts have their pros and cons. There are many things that you need to consider before opening one. Today, we’re going to explore the pros and cons of opening a joint credit card account so that you can have all of the necessary knowledge and understanding you need before taking the leap. Pros of Opening a Joint Credit Card Account Joint accounts can be very advantageous for…
If you’re looking to boost your credit, you might consider piggybacking on the good credit of a close friend or family member, especially if you have poor credit or you are just getting started in the world of credit building. Piggybacking is a unique method where someone will use another person’s credit to build their own. When piggybacking, an individual may get a co-signer or become an authorized user. They may also choose to open up a joint account together if they choose. Does Piggybacking Actually Work? Absolutely! People wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t work. Piggybacking can…
Whether you’re a young person who doesn’t have a long history of credit or you’ve gone for a long period in your life without the thought of building credit, now might be the time to consider building credit. Here at Boost Credit 101, we’re all about providing information to make consumers as creditworthy as they can be. As one of the premier online tradeline suppliers, we have a deep well of resources and information regarding credit and how you should approach it for the most benefit. There are a few ways in which you can boost your credit from scratch.…
If you’re looking to become an authorized user on someone else’s credit card, there are many things that you need to consider. Of course, doing it the RIGHT way can be a very valuable strategy if you want to build credit. However, not everyone that becomes an authorized user on an account will benefit from it in the same way. In some cases, becoming an authorized user on someone’s account won’t have any impact at all, positive or negative. There are also cases in which becoming an authorized user on someone else’s account could have a negative impact on your…
When it comes to collections accounts, you may have heard of an important date known as “Date of Last Activity” or (DLA). You may have been told not to ever make payments on a collections account, as the action of doing so could change the account’s DLA. In the case that the DLA changes, the clock essentially resets on the seven-year period in which your credit report will expel the collections accounts. However, in all reality, debt collectors do not have the ability to change the DLA. The credit bureaus are the only ones that have the power to do…